We aim to align our employees' personal goals and aspirations with the objectives and deliverables of our business.
Mining engineering as a career combines several areas of expertise. In addition to specialist mining knowledge and engineering expertise, a mining engineer needs strong management skills, people skills and a sound understanding of financial and business principles. The mining engineer will progress to the level of mine manager where he will apply and implement his knowledge. The main responsibility of a mine manager is to extract minerals from an orebody, safely and economically in line with predetermined business targets In addition to these responsibilities, a mining engineer may become involved in several activities.
Mining Engineers duties also include:
What you should study
You can study towards a BSc/B Eng in mining engineering at a university. You will need to undergo a medical fitness test and a psychometric assessment.
Only the universities of Pretoria and Witwatersrand offer a BSc/B Eng in mining engineering. This is a four-year, full-time course.
Graduate career
Mining engineering graduates join the mine junior mining engineers to begin a period inservice training as either a miner, shift boss or overseer, and will be exposed to stoping, developing, surveying, sampling, ventilation, engineering, geology, surveying, human resources and finance.
We are looking for
A basic interest in business, finance, production an ability in mathematics and science are essential for success as a mining engineer. The following attributes are also important:
Every day we use hundreds of products which are made from metal. The metallurgist/chemical engineer's job is to produce the metals needed to make these and the many other products we need. In carrying out this task, science, chemistry, mathematics and physics are combined with engineering principles to extract the metals from the ores in which they are found so that they can be refined and produced in the right form.
Extractive metallurgy
Extracting the minerals from the coarse ore has to be feasible, both technically and economically. Some ores have to be crushed and milled to fine powder so that the metal contained can be liberated for further processing. In all cases, a concentrated form of the valuable component is produced.
Metallurgy/chemical engineering
Impala employs extractive metallurgists and chemical engineers, particularly at Mineral Processes and the Refineries. Analytical chemists are responsible for the analysis of all samples. At the process plants, day-to-day running, maintenance and troubleshooting are the responsibility of the metallurgist/chemical engineer. Other responsibilities include the administration and management of the plant. The metallurgist is also involved in:
At the Refineries, chemical engineers are involved in the following activities:
What you should study
You can study towards a BSc Eng in either metallurgy or chemical engineering (minerals processing). This is four-year full-time course. You will also be required to complete structured vacation work. To be accepted at university for this degree, you must have a senior certificate with university exemption and a C symbol in both mathematics and science on higher grade.
Graduates should have degrees from preferably the universities of Cape Town, the Witwatersrand, Pretoria or KwaZulu Natal.
Graduate career
Graduates at Impala Platinum can join one of the operating divisions:
On joining the company, the new metallurgist/chemical engineer undergoes a period of familiarisation and undertakes shift work to develop practical knowledge and skills. This includes laboratory work. A chemical engineer is expected to attend a number of prescribed training courses, aimed mainly at developing managerial skills.
On qualifying, the career path for metallurgists at Mineral Processes is as follows:
Graduates joining the Refineries may progress to the level of senior chemical engineering, once they have had relevant, practical experience in a wide cross-section of activities. This is followed by promotion to either production, commercial, technical or management level. Allowance is also made for those who wish to become technical specialists in a particular field.
Analytical chemistry
After graduation, Impala employs development and analytical chemists who are involved in:
What you should study
Ideally you should complete a BSc, majoring in Chemistry with Statistics as the second major. Applicants must study to honours level.
The universities have different selection procedures to select candidates for a BSc degree.
Graduate career
On joining the company, the new development chemist will be given the opportunity to work in as many of the company's laboratories as possible so that they are familiar with the various processes used and to develop their knowledge and skills.
The career path is as follows:
The main purpose of a chemist's job, besides ensuring the day-to-day running of the laboratory, is to manage and provide analytical services. All Impala Platinum's laboratories are run in accordance with ISO 17025 1999. Chemists verify that results to be reported are accurate and have technical responsibility for the laboratory.
We are looking for
People who have innovative thinking abilities. Ideal candidates must be able to lead people, have an attitude that is receptive to change and an aptitude for science and mathematics. In addition, the successful metallurgist/chemical engineer should be:
Geology is the study of the earth's crust and its rock formations, and includes classifying and mapping of the composition and distribution of mineral deposits contained in the earth's formations. In the mining industry, this knowledge is applied to find additional mineral resources and to upgrade existing resources.
Geologists operate in wide areas. Two of these, mining geology and exploration geology, are vital to the mining industry.
Most of the geologists employed by Impala are mining geologists although there are a number of exploration geologists. Mining and exploration geologists have different responsibilities and are involved in different job activities.
Mining geology
A mining geologist's activities include mapping, recording and compiling geological data in and around the mine. This provides the mining engineer with details of the location, structure and distribution of ore in a deposit. Furthermore, the mining geologist delineates the ore reserves on which the mine's life depends, using geoscientific techniques to predict the grade and structure of ore bodies in unknown areas. The mine geologist plays a crucial role in the optimisation of the ore body and is intimately involved in the mine planning process.
What you should study
Those of you who are more academically inclined and want to study at university, can study towards a BSc (Hons) in geology, a four-year, full time course. This will enable you to work as a geologist and to register as a professional scientist with the South African Council for Natural Scientists. You will need to pass a medical fitness test, undergo a psychometric assessment and attend an interview.
To be accepted for a BSc degree you will need a senior certificate with university exemption and mathematics and science on higher grade.
In addition, if you have an Impala bursary, you will be required to complete structured vacation work at a mine or exploration office.
Graduate career
Graduates with Honours degrees in geology join a mine or exploration office as geologists-in-training, and are placed on a training programme designed to suit the requirements of the individual mine or exploration office. Once this has been completed, you may be appointed as a mine or project geologist. From then on you will follow these promotional routes:
We are looking for
Someone who is highly motivated and a self-starter should consider geology. The ability to distill the essence of a situation from large amounts of information, an eye for detail and the ability to see in 3-D are essential. These attributes, combined with an overall aptitude for mathematics, science and computer literacy, are the basic qualities in the sort of person who will find this career challenging. In addition, the following are also important in a geologist:
No mine can operate without electricity. The provision of power and the maintenance of equipment and machinery is the responsibility of the engineering department whose main aim is to ensure that the technical support necessary to meet production targets is provided to the mining and metallurgical departments.
In addition, the engineering department is also responsible for:
Mechanical engineering
Mechanical engineering is one of the broadest engineering disciplines. A career in this discipline involves the design, production, manufacture and maintenance of the various pieces of equipment, machinery and engines used in almost every type of industry and technology. Mechanical engineering is often regarded as the foundation of modern technology because many of the successful tool and equipment applications are based on the principles of mechanical engineering.
Electrical engineering
The field of electrical engineering is divided into heavy current and light current engineering. Heavy current electrical engineering is concerned with the supply, distribution, transformation and use of electrical power. Work in this area is characterised by high voltage power systems. Electrical engineers are involved in the design, manufacture, installation and management of various appliances and systems that generate or use electrical energy such as substations, ventilation systems and pumps.
Light current engineering or electronics is concerned with the application of low power electrical systems. The electronic engineer designs, manufactures, installs and manages the systems, equipment and components used in telecommunications, navigation, data processing and process control.
What you should study
If you want to become an engineer at Impala, you can work towards graduating with a BSc in either mechanical or electrical engineering – heavy current. This is a four-year, full time course. You will need to obtain a medical certificate of fitness, undergo a psychometric assessment and attend an interview. If you have received a bursary from Implats, you will be required to complete structured vacation work at Impala.
Graduate career
Graduates in mechanical and electrical engineering join the mine or work as engineers-in-training for a minimum of two years. The purpose of this training programme is to provide important skills which will produce well qualified engineers.
The main objective of the finance department is to control, gather, analyse and interpret financial information in such a way that internal and external stakeholders, such as management, investors, banks and shareholders, can use it to forecast the future of the company to make decisions based on historic information.
What you should study
You can study towards becoming an accountant at most universities. A matric with university exemption and a good pass in higher grade mathematics is essential.
To qualify as a chartered accountant, a commerce degree at honours level is essential, followed by a stint "doing articles" at an auditing firm. This is followed by the Public Accountants' and Auditors' Board exam.
Graduate career
Graduates join the mine as finance trainees and are given exposure to the various areas of finance. In preparation for the diverse work opportunities that may become available. Promotion is subject to vacancies being available and incumbents meeting the inherent requirements of the job.
We are looking for
The requirements here include good communication skills, an aptitude for figure work and an interest in computers. The following attributes are also important:
For more information contact Lanese.Garbers@implats.co.za or Godfrey.Mputle@implats.co.za
Applications for bursaries are open to all matric candidates who meet the minimum criteria:
Our bursaries cover:
Should you be awarded an Implats bursary, you will be required to work for the company for the full period of the bursary and to undertake vacation work at the company at the end of each year. Implats offers bursaries in various fields:
How to apply for a bursary
If you meet the minimum criteria and you would like to apply for a bursary, please fill in the application form.
For more information contact Bursaries Department on +27 14 569 0088 or bursaries@implats.co.za.