Implats is committed to ensuring that all procurement activities are conducted according to fair procurement principles, which promote meaningful supplier relationships.

South African suppliers - Click here

Developing sustainable supply chains

Creating a sustainable supply chain drives value creation and success for businesses and for society. The principles of good corporate governance and sustainability play a leading role in the longevity of companies. At Implats, we are committed to responsible business practices to our supply chain partners too.

In seeking to create a better future, our relationships are underpinned by the Implats values to respect, care and deliver, including those with our suppliers and contractors. In turn, we expect our suppliers and contractors to adhere to the Implats Group's policies on governance, compliance, ethics, fraud, transparency and risk. We encourage you to learn about these and other aspects of our business.

Our policies:

How to show your interest in doing business with Implats

Implats has digitised its procurement processes. This ensures that suppliers interested in doing business with Implats are managed in a consistent and standard way and comply with all the relevant terms and conditions.

Beware of fraud

Implats is committed to the highest standards of personal and professional ethical behaviour and has a “zero tolerance” stance against corruption, fraud, misconduct or any dishonesty.

There has been a significant increase in fraudulent phising and procurement-related approaches to current and potential Implats suppliers. These activities attempt to extract personal information, goods or money by posing as Implats or one of its subsidiary companies. These typically take the form of requests for quotations (RFQs) or similar purchase queries.

Be vigilant when receiving unexpected communication from Implats or any of its subsidiaries. Ensure email addresses and hyperlinks are valid. It is likely to be fraudulent if:

To report all suspected fraud, corruption and misconduct, please contact:

- South Africa 0800 005 314, available 24 hours, seven days a week

- Zimbabwe 0772 161 630

- Canada 1 888 921 6875 ext. 510


Impala Platinum Holdings Limited

Tel: +27 11 731 9000