Tailings storage facilities


At Impala Rustenburg, tailings re-mining at the dormant TSF continues to ensure host community employment.

Key outcomes in 2024:

Alignment of tailings management practices at Impala Bafokeng with Group standards based on the GISTM underway

55 permanent jobs created through the re-mining the dormant TSF at Impala Rustenburg

About 10 000 tonnes are re-mined daily and the facility uses a closed circuit water system, using only reclaimed water

Annual independent tailings review board audits of the Group’s tailings storage facilities TSF continue to show no significant areas of concern

Status report on our TSFs

Implats has 13 TSFs at Group-managed operations, of which 10 are active. Our three inactive TSFs are at Impala Rustenburg, Impala Canada and Marula.
Operation TSF Status Raise type Deposition type
Impala Rustenburg TD1+TD2 Remining
TD3+TD4 Active Upstream Spigot day wall
Impala Bafokeng Maseve Active Upstream Cycloning
BRPM Active Upstream Spigot
BRPM extension Active Upstream Spigot
Marula TD1 Dormant Upstream
TD2 Active Upstream Spigot day wall
Zimplats SMC Active Upstream Spigot day wall
SMC extension Active Upstream Spigot day wall
Ngezi Active Upstream Spigot day wall
Canada ETMF (East Tailings Management Facility) Active Downstream (Rockfill prior to 2021), Upstream (Rockfill after 2021) Spigot
STMF (South Tailings Management Facility) Active Downstream (Rockfill prior to 2020), Upstream (Rockfill after 2020) Spigot
WTMF (West Tailings Management Facility) Dormant Downstream (Rockfill)
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Full GISTM conformance

We remain resolute in our goal to achieve full conformance to the GISTM for Impala Rustenburg, Marula and Zimplats and by June 2025.

  GISTM topics
where operation
has achieved
full conformance
topics where
operation has
achieved partial
topics where
operation is
Impala Rustenburg 85 15
Marula 87 13
Zimplats 99 1
Impala Canada 58 25 17*

* Some requirements are non-applicable to Impala Canada and have been categorised as non-conformant.