Climate change

Climate change at Implats

All Implats' operations and surrounding communities have experienced severe weather and climate-related disruptions. Most of the southern African region is declared water scarce. Our local communities also experience the negative impacts of climate change.

We remain committed to inclusive climate action through:

Our climate action performance

Implats' carbon emissions (combined scope 1 and scope 2 emissions) increased by 6% to 4 298kt CO2 in FY2024 following the incorporation of Impala Bafokeng's operations. Carbon emission and energy use intensities improved to 0.154 tonnes CO2 per tonne milled (FY2023: 0.171 tonnes CO2 per tonne milled) and 0.783GJ per tonne milled (FY2023: 0.835GJ per tonne milled), respectively, due to an increase in production volumes.

Energy consumption as at 30 June 2024

Scope 1 and scope 2

GHG (scope 1 and scope 2) contribution as at 30 June 2024

Our climate change journey

Use the slider or click the years below for more information.



  • As part of our response to climate change, Implats embarked on a process to quantify the Group's carbon footprint and develop the carbon management strategy
  • In April 2009, Implats considered and addressed opportunities and risks posed by climate change. The primary risks identified related to water and electricity supply shortages

Climate change strategy

Our five-lever climate change strategy is designed to facilitate the shift away from fossil fuels and reduce GHG emissions to meet our 2050 goal of achieving carbon neutrality.

Reducing our GHG footprint

Following the acquisition of Impala Bafokeng, the Group adjusted the amount of combined scope 1 and scope 2 emissions we need to abate from our operations to meet our 2030 interim decarbonisation goal, from 1.0 million tCO2e to 1.7 million tCO2e.

Electricity supply shift

In our energy and decarbonisation policy, we have committed to at least a 30% renewable energy mix for all new mines. We continue to develop a pipeline of projects towards our 2030 target, as illustrated below.

* Does not include a potential 98MW onsite solar PV project at Impala Bafokeng. The pre-feasibility study for this project will commence in 2025.

Transition climate risks and opportunities

Implats continuously monitors global and host-country regulatory changes related to climate change that can impact our business. Each quarter, we update the board on material developments and how the Group manages the impacts.

Just transition risk

The transition towards low-emission and climate-resilient development will create new and better jobs, grow the economy, help protect the environment, and improve human health.

Our 35MW solar plant project at Zimplats supported local jobs and provided invaluable experience to local engineers and artisans in the construction and engineering of modern, state-of-the-art solar PV plants.

Watch our video on how we are creating a better future through its investment in solar energy

Download our full Climate Change report here